- Something slightly different for the Digital Diva who has it all.


When a new digital tool comes out most people don't find out about it for a long time. The nature of the beast is that you require traction to get traction. So, when a young guy sets up a new tool, or platform, it is difficult to make it "happen" quick enough to sustain the time and effort involved. This happens a lot. Youth, dynamism and energy meets hard nosed business principles.

Proofer is a classic case in point. It is a scheduling tool for social media. Plenty of those, you say.

It is for free (again the same response).

It allows you to stack and schedule 50 posts ...OK, now, you've got some attention.

Essentially you can set and forget, yes. Thematically. Free.

I remember @PaulCroubalian was offering something along this line to BeBee users as a paid service, so there may be some interest out there in a "free" version.

Proofer has some nice touches; a dated scrollbar (as in "by date" rather than "old"- to check your posts on particular days), the ability to develop a strategy (theme you content and avoid audience burnout) and the ability to drag and drop a previously posted piece of content to your calendar. The ability to approve a string of posts, and finally, large scale views of your images.

Strangely enough for a scheduling tool, it has the old crowdfire app "unfollow 100" option (again something I liked) - the ability to unfollow 100 people who didn't follow you back on Twitter.

The key bonus of Proofer is the value it offers for the "freemium" price point in comparison to other players.

Many of the other tools out there have put that kind of long play functionality behind the paywall (which is understood).

Social pilot (also with a basic free pricing plan) is more well known, but offers something similar. It is slightly more sophisticated in terms of allowing you to make a live link out a URL, but after that you are pressed to make significant distinctions. You are limited to 30 posts, but you can top that up as you like. Overall, both tools are simple to use, effective, scheduling methods.

The two platforms can be used in tandem and on different target platforms, so you can spread the love.

I only found out about by sheer luck. There is no adverting (that I see on my various feeds and online news hubs). For a post scheduling platform, that seems to miss a trick, or two. The guy who owns it is young; Sharif Alves.

I was looking for new tools (because the internet always washes up new ideas and takes older, proven, ideas to a higher price point). The original article was something generic like; "top 25 twitter tools" -

*Quick Note: It is one of the reasons you should save your older chrome browser extensions (if you don't know how, there are ways to find out) and older free software (if it is downloadable). The minute it achieves a popular base, it gets bought up by a bigger player and "nothing is for free anymore."

Quick Note 2: It takes a little time to load both up with content and stack the deck, so view that as a slight learning curve.

That's it. Try them. If you like them, buy them - or max out on the free version. Simple stuff. 

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